Sunday, June 19, 2011

Books I've read and NEED to review...ASAP!

Divergent by Veronica Roth (cannot wait for Insurgent!)
Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini (cannot wait for Dreamless!)
Matched Ally Condie (cannot wait for Crossed!)
Paranormalcy by Keirsten White (eh, I can wait for comes out next month, 7/26, haha)

Currently, I am re-reading Divergent to my hubby and then I'm going to re-read Starcrossed and Matched. He has the attention span of a 5 year old little boy playing video games. For whatever reason it's difficult for him to pay attention or read anything that's not in 'blog' form. He listens to NPR religiously, so I figured the best way for him to give the books a fair chance is to listen to me while I read them aloud to him. And if he liked them half as much as I did, I would read more. Since we carpool to work, its now NPR in the morning and kindle in the evening. The first book I read to him was The Hunger Games by Suzanne Colllins. He loved it! Jose, my hubby, or Hose, as I affectionately call him, wants me to read Catching Fire (#2 in The Hunger Games Trilogy) but I told him that if I have to wait months/years for a sequel...he can wait a few weeks. Now he's really enjoying Divergent (especially the training sequences) and I am enjoying anything to do with Four's scenes (sigh). I'm really excited to read Starcrossed and Matched to him next and then I'll continue with Catching Fire.

I just finished Paranormalcy and will review that soon, I'm relieved that the sequel comes out next month. I know enough about the book and have stayed away from the synopsis of Supernaturally because I want to be surprised. Sometimes I'm glad that my booktwin and I discovered YA just recently because I get so much anxiety waiting for the sequels! I'm following authors, publishers and other readers for tidbits, ARCs, and any other info avail. Speaking of which, another book that caught my attention is called Wildefire by Karsten Knight. I saw the cover on Amazon and was intrigued. It comes out next month and I've already pre-ordered it on

Right now, I am reading Sisterhood Everlasting by Ann Brashares, I just started it last night and only got through a couple of chapters. Each chapter has POV from one of the 4 girls, so I have to go through 3 POV to continue the story. I wish I would have read the 3rd Sisterhood again but this story takes place 10 years later and Brashares is doing her share to fill me in. So it's OK if I'm a little rusty with the girls. I'll probably re-read the whole series soon anyway.

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